Monday, September 14, 2009

2nd Mapping Visit

On Monday August 3, 2009, we left for Nakasongola to carry out the second phase of mapping. This
time, only four of us had been chosen to represent CIT students basing on whether one had shown
interest. We were to map the remaining 11 farmer groups in seven sub counties. We divided into groups
of two and the job started off that after noon. Zibula Atudde Marketers were the first to have their fields
mapped. It appeared like a clear day and too hot but in less than 40 minutes of work, it started raining
forcing to run away from the seeking for shelter because we feared being struck by lightning and
damaging the Global Positioning System (GPS) by rain drops. Coming back to the field after the rain, it
was worse than the hot sun shine because we had nowhere to step a foot. It was muddy everywhere and
we feared getting infected by germs because even people in this village do not have a good sewage
collection system to the extent some use their agricultural fields for disposal of the sewage. It was terrible.
No alternative was available for us other than subject ourselves to risk.