Monday, September 14, 2009

2nd Mapping Visit

On Monday August 3, 2009, we left for Nakasongola to carry out the second phase of mapping. This
time, only four of us had been chosen to represent CIT students basing on whether one had shown
interest. We were to map the remaining 11 farmer groups in seven sub counties. We divided into groups
of two and the job started off that after noon. Zibula Atudde Marketers were the first to have their fields
mapped. It appeared like a clear day and too hot but in less than 40 minutes of work, it started raining
forcing to run away from the seeking for shelter because we feared being struck by lightning and
damaging the Global Positioning System (GPS) by rain drops. Coming back to the field after the rain, it
was worse than the hot sun shine because we had nowhere to step a foot. It was muddy everywhere and
we feared getting infected by germs because even people in this village do not have a good sewage
collection system to the extent some use their agricultural fields for disposal of the sewage. It was terrible.
No alternative was available for us other than subject ourselves to risk.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mapping Of The Agriculitural Fields

FCIT students were informed after the first visit that they were to go back to Nakasongola in a few days time to map the agricultural fields, trading centers, water bodies, proposed production sites, grinding mills, factories, roads and other market places. This could not happen right away because we never had enough skills in mapping.
Save The Children and it's partners organized for the training to take place and it was approved that Geographical Information Systems training had to start on 06-July-2009. The training was scheduled to be conducted with in two weeks, 3 hours per day. We started the training at 2 pm from the GIS lab at FCIT. ARCGIS is the application software that we were trained about and for real all our sessions were good because Mr. Wycliffe our instructor allowed us to practice out using Wakiso district map layers he had got from UBOS. Before the training had gotten to its end, SCiUg requested that we first get to the ground to collect some sample information. This required us to have good knowledge of using Global Positioning Systems(GPS) for taking satellite coordinates of a specific point(Longitudes and Latitudes).FCIT did not have many GPS' although we were taught how use the available few. On Thursday 9th we left for Nakasongola and mapped only two sub-counties with in two days. The group leader of each group had move with us through the plantations of the different farmers in each group because we feared that some could think that we were trying to steel the products and land. All in all, this is about the first mapping sessions.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The food science group left for nakasongola on Wednesday 22nd July 2009 at 8.00 am and reached nakasongola town at 11.00am where we had some refreshments and later lunch. At 2.00pm, different student groups left for there respective farmer groups.

First visit; to zibula atudde farmers group

We visited zibula atudde group in kyankonwa on Wednesday 22nd July 2009 at 2.30pm.we arrived at Mr,Matovus home the groups marketing officer but the members had not arrived yet but were later called and the meeting kicked off with a prayer from one of the farmers.

We displayed the different products we had developed which included cassava crisps, sweet potatoes cookies, hard corn, and bagiya and packed roasted g.nuts which they tasted and appreciated. The members discussed about the different products and the availability of raw materials at the time and finally the majority chose to start with the sweet potato enterprise. They chose Mr. Matovus home as the center for production because it is easily accessible to most of the farmers. We later told the farmers that we will be coming back soon to start the oven construction and production. The meeting was closed by the chairperson at 4.30 pm and we went back to nakasongola town.

Second visit; to kyamasanda farmers group in kakooge

On our second day Thursday 23rd July 2009 at 8.00am we left to meet our second group in kokooge, we reached at 9.00am and also like the first group we found only one person at Mr.Sulas home the meeting place. The meeting was opened by a prayer from one of the farmers, we first displayed the dried pineapples which was the only product we had for that group since they refused to deal in other foods except pineapples yet we could not produce for them juice and jam because they have a water problem. But later we displayed the other products we had developed for the other group and they did taste them.

They chose Mr.Kayizzi’s home as the place of production because it was big, had direct sunshine, was near a water source and had grass. We also accepted because it met our production and drying specifications. The meeting was closed; we went and visited Mr.Kayizzi’s home and later went back to nakasongola town, had lunch and later left for Kampala at 3.30pm.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Other Nakasogola experiences

On our arrival in Nakasongola, we were asked to move arround the town and get some knowledge about the living standards of the people which we did. The town is so quiet and traffic jam free although the streets are a bit busy. The streets are all mostly occupied by young people between the age of 2 to 10 and actually the ratio of the young to the old is like 3:1 which puts Save the children is the right place.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The problem this Project is aiming to solve revolves at two fronts:-

  • Increasing value addition awareness about local produce and creating greater market linkages
  • Helping the local farmers make gains from what they produce and increasing house hold income.

Increased food and economic security awareness among vulnerable families and farmer groups in Nakasongola through secure food production and marketing are the main aim.

We carried out a preliminary study whose specific objectives were:-

To gain information about the highly produced commodities

To encourage farmers to give greater attention to the project and make them feel that they are part of it.

To carry out area mapping of the different locations where the farmers’ groups are located.

To inform the farmers about the possible products that can gotten from different local products.

To assess the environment in regard with the constraints of production, market and basic needs.

This study was conducted on 18th June 2009 specifically about two farmers’ groups that is Kyamasanda Marketing Group and Zibula’tudde farmers’ group. Both are located in Kakoge sub county 35 km from Nakasongola town almost on the border with Luwero District. Each group comprises of at least 35 members.

Therefore we would like to see the project result into :-

  • Increased knowledge about farmers’ expectations from the project
  • Increased farmer awareness about the importance of the project


Kyamasanda Farmers’ Group

Most common products:-

  • Pineapples(average land available is 3 acres per person)
  • Maize(average 700kg per person seasonally)
  • Cassava
  • Chicken
  • Ground nuts

Farmers agreed with us that research should be done to improve only pineapples, cassava, maize and chicken.

Geographical positioning:-

  • This group is located 3 kilometers from Kakoge trading center on the left hand side of the Gulu high way from Nakasongola.

Prevailing market prices:-

  • Pineapples ____________500-1500shs.
  • Basin of maize grains ____16000shs
  • Tray of eggs____________4500-6000shs
  • Bundle of cassava pieces__1000shs

Source of water:-

Water is mainly got from bore holes and wells in a distance of 1 km from where we had the meeting.


The best source of good shelter is in Kakoge trading center with rates between 5000-10000shs a night. Rental room is rated between 20000-4000shs a month but there is a chance of not having power.

Zibula’tudde Farmers’ Group

Most common products:-

  • Pineapples
  • Maize
  • Cassava
  • Oranges
  • Sweet potatoes (Kassedde)
  • Oranges

Farmers agreed with us that research should be done to improve only cassava, maize and sweet potatoes.

Geographical positioning:-

  • This group is positioned 11km from Kakoge trading center is 800m off the main road (Gulu high way) on the left hand from Kakoge trading center but easier to identify compared to Kyamasanda.
  • Prevailing market prices:-
  • Pineapples ____________500-1500shs.
  • Basin of maize grains ____16000shs
  • Basin of potatoes________1500-3000shs
  • Bundle of cassava pieces__1000shs
  • Oranges _______________75-200shs@
  • Mangoes _______________50-200shs@

Source of water:-

Water is mainly got from wells in a distance of 700m from where we had the meeting. The bore hole is very far and had to reach.


The best source of good shelter is in Kakoge trading center with rates between 5000-10000shs a night. Rental room is rated between 20000-50000shs a month but there is a chance of not having power. The problem comes from the larger distance in between but one can get some low quality accommodation at around 20000-30000shs a month.

General hindrances towards high production

· Low levels of income

· Harsh weather and climatic changes

· Seasonal changes

· Low market potential

Farmers’ expectations

The expectations of the farmers were a bit high and some totally different from what we expected from them.

1).They wanted us to buy some of their produce

2). Knowledge gain on how to better produce and market

3). Some already had an idea of value addition

Proposed product developments for different farmer groups.

Kyamasanda Farmers Group

Food/crop for raw materials; pineapples

1. Dried Pineapples

2. Ready to drink juice

3. Pineapple jam

Zibulaattude Farmers Group

Food/crop for raw materials includes cassava, sweet potatoes and maize.


1. Cassava crisps

2. Cassava doughnuts

3. Bagiya

Sweet potatoes

1. Biscuits/cookies

2. Dried sweet potatoes


1. Hard corn mixed with peanuts

2. Maize flour

What next????????