Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The problem this Project is aiming to solve revolves at two fronts:-

  • Increasing value addition awareness about local produce and creating greater market linkages
  • Helping the local farmers make gains from what they produce and increasing house hold income.

Increased food and economic security awareness among vulnerable families and farmer groups in Nakasongola through secure food production and marketing are the main aim.

We carried out a preliminary study whose specific objectives were:-

To gain information about the highly produced commodities

To encourage farmers to give greater attention to the project and make them feel that they are part of it.

To carry out area mapping of the different locations where the farmers’ groups are located.

To inform the farmers about the possible products that can gotten from different local products.

To assess the environment in regard with the constraints of production, market and basic needs.

This study was conducted on 18th June 2009 specifically about two farmers’ groups that is Kyamasanda Marketing Group and Zibula’tudde farmers’ group. Both are located in Kakoge sub county 35 km from Nakasongola town almost on the border with Luwero District. Each group comprises of at least 35 members.

Therefore we would like to see the project result into :-

  • Increased knowledge about farmers’ expectations from the project
  • Increased farmer awareness about the importance of the project


Kyamasanda Farmers’ Group

Most common products:-

  • Pineapples(average land available is 3 acres per person)
  • Maize(average 700kg per person seasonally)
  • Cassava
  • Chicken
  • Ground nuts

Farmers agreed with us that research should be done to improve only pineapples, cassava, maize and chicken.

Geographical positioning:-

  • This group is located 3 kilometers from Kakoge trading center on the left hand side of the Gulu high way from Nakasongola.

Prevailing market prices:-

  • Pineapples ____________500-1500shs.
  • Basin of maize grains ____16000shs
  • Tray of eggs____________4500-6000shs
  • Bundle of cassava pieces__1000shs

Source of water:-

Water is mainly got from bore holes and wells in a distance of 1 km from where we had the meeting.


The best source of good shelter is in Kakoge trading center with rates between 5000-10000shs a night. Rental room is rated between 20000-4000shs a month but there is a chance of not having power.

Zibula’tudde Farmers’ Group

Most common products:-

  • Pineapples
  • Maize
  • Cassava
  • Oranges
  • Sweet potatoes (Kassedde)
  • Oranges

Farmers agreed with us that research should be done to improve only cassava, maize and sweet potatoes.

Geographical positioning:-

  • This group is positioned 11km from Kakoge trading center is 800m off the main road (Gulu high way) on the left hand from Kakoge trading center but easier to identify compared to Kyamasanda.
  • Prevailing market prices:-
  • Pineapples ____________500-1500shs.
  • Basin of maize grains ____16000shs
  • Basin of potatoes________1500-3000shs
  • Bundle of cassava pieces__1000shs
  • Oranges _______________75-200shs@
  • Mangoes _______________50-200shs@

Source of water:-

Water is mainly got from wells in a distance of 700m from where we had the meeting. The bore hole is very far and had to reach.


The best source of good shelter is in Kakoge trading center with rates between 5000-10000shs a night. Rental room is rated between 20000-50000shs a month but there is a chance of not having power. The problem comes from the larger distance in between but one can get some low quality accommodation at around 20000-30000shs a month.

General hindrances towards high production

· Low levels of income

· Harsh weather and climatic changes

· Seasonal changes

· Low market potential

Farmers’ expectations

The expectations of the farmers were a bit high and some totally different from what we expected from them.

1).They wanted us to buy some of their produce

2). Knowledge gain on how to better produce and market

3). Some already had an idea of value addition

Proposed product developments for different farmer groups.

Kyamasanda Farmers Group

Food/crop for raw materials; pineapples

1. Dried Pineapples

2. Ready to drink juice

3. Pineapple jam

Zibulaattude Farmers Group

Food/crop for raw materials includes cassava, sweet potatoes and maize.


1. Cassava crisps

2. Cassava doughnuts

3. Bagiya

Sweet potatoes

1. Biscuits/cookies

2. Dried sweet potatoes


1. Hard corn mixed with peanuts

2. Maize flour

What next????????

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